The art of Korean skincare

AHC was invented in a premium spa world where treatments take place in a luxurious, neutral-decorated sanctuary. You lie back in a le Corbusier Lc4 Chaise Lounge, in white leather of course, while the world’s most advanced serums are painted into thirsty pores. 

Creative vision: discover the art of Korean skincare

With wisps of dappled light, abstract glass props, nods to nature with polished stone and healing French sea water we created a world of artistic, Korean skincare.

Our suite of premium assets for social, A+ & ECOM assets for Essential Real Eye Cream for Face and its new signature 5-step Aqualauronic range are more than meets the eye… they helped AHC exceed UK sales expectations.

Photographer: Lydia Whitmore

Amazon’s No.1 brand page in 21-22.