YUNG CLUB: Creating entertainment exercise for all
In 2015 I became co-founder and CEO of an immersive yoga brand called YUNG CLUB with friend and yoga teacher Rebecca Russell-Turner. We taught yoga under a blanket of interactive, projection animations and by 2016, we had an exhibition in Selfridges. Time Out called us: 'Immersive yoga pioneers'
225-degree immersive projections
We believe exercise is better with multi-sensory art, so we created 225-degree, musicallly-dynamic projection experiences (CITY, SEA, WILD & SPACE) with animation duo: The Great Nordic Sword Fights.
Creative vision: Escaping exercise
Inspired by the way projections and AR can transport you to a new world, our premiere advertising digital campaign was used in social and via Selfridges and press partners to promote the experience.
Selfridges exhibition
We exhibited in Selfridges from May 25 - June 10, 2016 as part of their EVERYBODY spring wellness campaign. We hired an architect to design the Mothership, a planetary projection art installation, created mats and DJs playlists by theme and hosted a 10-minute guided meditation on top of yoga classes.
• Over 600 people attended and 12% returned
• 43% of all experiences sold out
• 62% said the Mothership was a unique part of the brand
• 34% said they had never experienced projections like it